After a rainy few days the morning of our Christmas do was glorious! Brass Monkeys… that’s for sure, but perfect weather for a morning of quad biking at Marwell Activity Centre.
Glenne’s words the previous night were…. “It’s ok, it’s not very muddy up there. We can go straight to lunch when we’re finished”. Yeah, thanks for that advice Glenne!
We quickly got togged up and after a quick talk on how to ride and control the bikes, we chose to completely ignore all the safety stuff and commenced to tear round the track at full tilt getting one another as filthy as possible.
After being told on several occasions not to charge through the deep puddles, Jim was the first “company idiot” to kill his quad bike and was taken, tail between legs to get another.
Dan “Gung-ho” Fernandes was the closest to a bail out when he charged away off piste slamming into a turn and nearly rolling his steed… Lucky, because Dan’s got a history of injuring himself at Christmas Do’s… (flashback to 2006 when he thought doing the caterpillar across the pub would be a good idea after one too many… his back’s not been the same since).
Shane got awarded “mud monster” after not only wearing most of the track, but what he didn’t wear he ate! Priceless!
Against the Glenne’s sound advice we all went and showered, got on our Sunday best and went to The Bugle at Twyford for the first Christmas lunch of the festive period. After a bellyful of turkey, spuds and parsnips, and still sporting our paper hats it was into Winchester for an evening on the sherry ‘n’ ale! as you can imagine, it quickly went downhill from there… we needed the 2 weeks off!