Most of the time, this web site will be all about you. But in this little section it’s mainly about us (but a bit about you too). Here’s where we tell our story, show you who we are, where we started and what’s important to us, so you can decide if we’re sort of people you’d like to work with. So. If you’re sitting comfortably, we’ll begin…in the scouts’ hut, with a second hand printer from ebay.
In the beginning
Today we work for lots of different people, many of them big brands and well-known names, but not so long ago we were a couple of blokes with a big idea. Before 2003, BigStuff lived only in our minds. We knew that we wanted to do something different but hadn’t quite got round to taking the plunge…until we saw the second hand printer on ebay. It may have been odd, but to us, it was definitely a sign of things to come. With one click of the ‘buy now’ button, we moved into the Shirley Scouts Hut, with a printer tucked under our arm…and started working all the hours our wives and children would allow.
We can do better than that
Each time we were let down by a supplier or something took too long to be done, we’d get frustrated and think ‘we could do better than that’ – and we did. Within a year, we added new services. We bought a new beast, a brand new monster printer, and moved home into central Southampton, just big enough to house us, and our ambitions. To us, business wasn’t complicated. It wasn’t programming a new Sky remote or anything. What people wanted was a great service, a great product and they wanted it quick. There isn’t a company worth knowing that wants tacky rubbish that makes their brand look cheap, (although we’ve met plenty trying to sell it). No new company with ambition wants to wait 12 weeks for signs, they want it now (although many others said they couldn’t do it without such lengthy turnaround times). We didn’t believe in this. And that’s the way we’ve worked ever since. BigStuff means quality, but not having to wait too long for it.
Bigger and better things
And it’s set us on a good path. Our attitude has helped us build a great reputation and a good strong, growing business working with household names. These days we have a purpose built factory in Eastleigh, which has helped us take on more staff and do new things. And although today, we still do small jobs – and turn them around quickly – more and more often, we’re working on bigger, more substantial projects like office refurbs, shopfitting and indoor and outdoor branding activities. But we still try to do everything better than other people – in the quickest possible time. And we still haven’t lost sight of our roots…and that nearly-new printer and the wonderful scouts’ hut of dreams.
Our services & skills
We help turn your imagination into something real; into something people can see and marvel at; something you can touch.
And that can be for interior design or new branding or for launches, events and exhibitions. We work for all kinds of people – from big household names to the small guy down the street – doing all kinds of stuff – from sales banners to whole scale rebrands. And, the wierder and more wonderful, the better.
Successful projects
Happy clients
Years of experience
Design awards
BigStuff for events
We can make sure you can’t be missed.
BigStuff for exhibitions
We can stop people in their tracks.
BigStuff for retail
We can capture attention and transform the inside or the outside of a building with your branding or advertising campaigns.
BigStuff for interiors
We can transform your office or your factory or your home and make it the envy of everyone who sees it.
BigStuff for Banners
Need a quick roller banner? Delivered to your door in 48 hours.
BigStuff for signs
We can make sure people know where you are.
Our team
When we work together you could speak to a few different people here. And it’s always useful to know a little bit about the people you deal with. So, here we tell you about the day job, the things that float our boat and in-spite of our heroic efforts, we dispel any lingering hopes that any of us have an even passing resemblance to Brad or Angelina.
Quote making, tape measure toting, customer searching.
Likes: bike riding, skydiving, music, fish finger sarnies, movies, holidays.
Job checker, keeps the work flowing, quote making, chief money man.
Likes: football, fine dining, beer, dodgy curries, telly.
Makes the magic happen and installs the magic into your place.
Likes: smiling, Saints football club, straight vodka (no mucking about here!), starting work really, really early.
Money chaser, money giver, mail maestro.
Likes: dog walking, eyelashes, furry pencil cases, clothes, nail filing.
Admin guru, keeping the place straight, delivers the goods.
Likes: ice cream, shopping, a cheeky vodka, lime n soda, ironing.
Makes sure we all stay safe... you included.
Likes: days out with the family, nursing, renovating the house, being safe.
Makes it happen
Likes: story telling, gadgets, roll ups, tools and LEDS.
Brings the magic to the masses
Likes: working nights, early morning and long distances, drinking tea, gardening.