We have once again been assessed and been awarded our CHAS and SafeContractor accreditation for 2015.
We are really proud of this status as it shows our commitment to keeping not only ourselves, but also our clients and the general public safe and sound.
During our working week we are constantly assessing how we do things and the risks involved. This is the bit most people don’t see but which we are accounted for. We look at all our projects and figure out how we go about making them come to life. Theres many ways to go about a job but we as a company like do it the right way. Unfortunately this isn’t always the cheapest way, and we occasionally lose out on projects because of this.
When installing work into the public domain its important to get things done with the least impact possible on the environment, business and public wellbeing, and this takes some thought. Doing a job correctly and and safely is key to our business and we like to make sure that what we install look goods, not only when we install but stands the test of time. This is why our customers keep coming back for more of that Wonderful Stuff!